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【通知 NOTICE】:关于在日本国以外使用时的产品保证 – SGK 昭和技研

Product Warranty for Installation and Use outside Japan

This product warranty provision shall apply only if the product is installed and used outside Japan by the customer or a third party who purchased the product from the customer. If the product is installed and used in Japan, this warranty does not apply.

If a malfunction occurs during the warranty period, contact us through the customer in advance and send the product to us, whether the customer or the third party has the product in their facilities.Be sure to carefully pack the product for protection before sending it. After receiving the product, we will confirm the malfunction. If the malfunction was clearly caused by the materials of product components or the manufacturing method, we will repair the product in question or replace it with a new one free of charge.

Product Warranty Provision

  1. 保証期間
    Warranty Period
    We warrant that the product will have the performances described in the product description in the product’s catalog or product’s drawing at the time of its sale.

ⓐ 新品
New products
One (1) year and six (6) months after shipment (from the manufacturing date) or one (1) year after installation, whichever comes first.

ⓑ 修理品
Repaired products
Six (6) months after shipment (from the manufacturing date).

Each time a product is repaired, its nameplate is replaced and new manufacturing number and date are added. Refer to the renewed manufacturing date.

  1. 有償修理になる場合
    We charge a fee for repairs in any of the following cases.
    If, prior to the date specified in the ⓐ or ⓑ in the Article 1 of this warranty, a defect is identified that the product does not meet the performances assured by the product description, the customer may request us to repair or replace such defect free of charge. Provided, however, that this shall not apply to the following cases, and repair or replacement shall be provided for a fee. ① ⓐまたはⓑに定める保証期間満了後の故障
    Failure after the warranty period ⓐ or ⓑ has expired
    ② 製品説明に定める使用条件を逸脱した使用による故障
    Failure caused by use of the product deviating from the service conditions
    ③ 使用上の誤り(不適切な保管、取付け、配管、運転、保守など)による故障
    Failure caused by misuse (improper storage, installation, pipe laying, operation or maintenance, etc.)
    ④ 流体の汚れ、流体内の異物による故障
    Failure caused by fluid contaminants or foreign objects in the fluid
    ⑤ 納入後の移動、輸送、落下などによる故障
    Failure caused by relocation, transport, or falling of the product after delivery
    ⑥ 当社のサービス員以外が分解・修理・改造した対象製品の故障
    Failure caused by disassembly, repair, or modification done by personnel other than our
    service personnel
    ⑦ お客様または第三者が指定する規格または材料を用いて製造した対象製品の故障
    Failure of the product attributed to using materials or according to standards specified by the customer or the third party
    ⑧ お客様または第三者が支給する部品を使用して製造した対象製品の故障
    Failure of the product attributed to using materials provided by the customer or the third party
    ⑨ 火災、天災、地変などの災害およびこれに類する不可抗力による故障
    Failure caused due to unavoidable acts of nature such as fires or other natural disasters
  2. 責任範囲
    Scope of Responsibility
    ① 当社の責任は、この製品保証規定による修理、交換および運送費用に限られるものとします。対象製品の故障に起因して発生した費用および損害は保証の対象外とします。また、対象製品を当社に返送して頂く際の運送費用については、お客様のご負担と致します。
    Our responsibility shall be limited to repairs, replacements, or transport expenses covered by this product warranty provision. Expenses or damages caused by said failures above shall not
    be covered. And in that case, the transport expense to send the product back to us shall be incurred by the customer.
    ② 対象製品が使用される地域・国において、本保証書に規定されている内容と異なる内容が適用 或いは法律上規定されている場合でも、当社の保証範囲・責任は本保証書に規定されているものに限られるとします。
    Our warranty and liability are strictly limited to those set forth in this warranty, even if those applied or set forth under legal provisions in the region or country in which the product is used differ from those set forth in this warranty. ③ お客様は、対象製品についての当社の責任が本製品保証規定に記載される内容に限定されることを自ら確認して承諾するとともに、お客様以外の第三者に対象製品を納入する場合は、当該第三者に対しても上記を確認して承諾させるものとします。
    The customer acknowledges and accepts that our liability for the product is limited to the content stated in this product warranty, and in the event that the product is delivered to a third party other than the customer, the customer shall also have such third party confirm the foregoing and accept thereof.
    ④ お客様は、当該第三者が当社に対して、本製品保証規定を超えた内容の保証を要求することがないようにさせるものとします。本条の内容に反して当該第三者が当社に対して本製品保証規定の内容を超えた請求を行なってきた場合、お客様はこれによって当社に生じた損失を補償 する義務を負うものとします。
    The customer shall ensure that such third parties do not require us to warrant anything beyond the terms of this product warranty. If, contrary to the provisions of this article, such
    third party makes a claim against us in excess of the terms of this product warranty, the customer shall be obliged to indemnify us for any loss caused thereby.
  3. 適用地域
    Applicable Regions
    This product warranty provision shall be applicable exclusively to products installed out of Japan. We shall not be liable for any warranty if the product is installed outside the country where we and the customer have agreed in advance.
  4. 別の取決めがある場合
    Another Agreement
    This product warranty does not apply if there is an individual separate agreement between the customer and us regarding the product warranty and if it is expressly stated that the individual agreement supersedes this product warranty provision.
  5. その他
    The information contained in this product warranty provision shall constitute the entire scope and content of our warranty to the customer, regardless of legal cause. The Japanese version of the product warranty shall be the original version, and the English version shall only have the meanings as a reference translation. In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions, the provisions of the Japanese version shall prevail. In addition, the interpretation and application of this product warranty shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any dispute arising between the parties in connection with this product warranty shall exclusively be settled before the Tokyo District Court of Japan as the exclusive jurisdictional court of the first instance.


【通知 NOTICE】:关于2012 年以前停产产品及替代品的通知 – TAKEX 竹中电子
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